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Student encourages her whole school to learn a second language

Student encourages her whole school to learn a second language

Learning a second language is important for many reasons; it improves your employability, makes travelling to other countries easier and more meaningful, and has even been found to change the shape of your brain! Despite the many doors that learning another language can open, many are reluctant to move out of their comfort zone and put in the work it takes to speak another language.

That is why Isobel Duncan, a 15-year-old student from Langley Park School for Girls was nominated for a Jack Petchey Achievement Award for her outstanding commitment to the promotion of languages across the school.

Not only was she recognised by the Languages Department as being extremely dedicated and enthusiastic in the classroom, but for going above and beyond outside of it too. Isobel set up and runs a language club promoting different languages and cultures, in which they take part in themed events and workshops. She has even given a presentation to students in the school about the importance of speaking different languages and learning about other cultures.

Along with her certificate and medallion, Isobel received a £250 Jack Petchey Achievement Award grant, which she chose to spend on resources for the Languages Department, to be used both in class and at the language club.

Thanks to Isobel, other students have been encouraged to learn another language, either by putting in more effort during their language classes at school, or by pursuing another language in their own time.

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