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Young people go back in time

Young people go back in time

The Otherwise Club, based in Brent, recently used an Educational Visit grant to take their young people to Chiltern Open Air Museum and a workshop called ‘A Victorian School at Christmas’.

The young people who went on the trip had a fantastic day. Despite a slightly altered schedule, the workshop proved to be a very interesting session for all involved. The leader took on a very serious role and became very strict, as if in a traditional Victorian school. As part of the workshop the young people were given some generic Victorian schooling tasks, such as maths problems and writing with pen and ink. This demonstrated to them the modern day advances that even schooling systems have made and meant that they became more appreciative of their own education system.

All the attendees came out of the workshop, they were ecstatic and intrigued about how strict previous eras were in relation to schooling. After a lunch break, the group spent the rest of their day looking at an inside buildings from different periods and exploring the farm-life area. The high levels of interest shown by the young people demonstrated that learning through real experiences can be so much more engaging for those involved. The club’s attendees have now gained knowledge through a practical experience that they will remember for a long time and may have otherwise not been able to retain. They hope to go back in the spring or summer time as the children are asking to go again so that they can explore other areas.

One young person, aged 12, said: “That was the best trip ever!” and another, aged 13, said: “I enjoyed the classroom Victorian workshop. A real life experience. I am hoping to visit again in the springtime”.

If you’re interested in applying for an Educational Visit Grant, then take a look at this page.

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