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Students curate their own history exhibition!

Students curate their own history exhibition!

The students of Bonus Pastor Catholic College got the chance to display their knowledge of the Windrush in their own history exhibition at school. A Leader Award Grant from the Jack Petchey Foundation went towards putting together this unique event.

The funding from the Foundation was put towards display boards, projectors and display lighting to enhance the work put into the exhibition. The grant also went towards printing exhibition materials and booklets to give to visitors of the exhibition.

To help create this informative and engaging exhibition, the students went on trips to archives in Brixton and Lewisham, where they were able to source information to feed into their own exhibition. This developed their understanding of the subject and gave them ideas for their own exhibition.

Primary school students were invited into the school to take part in a workshop and then look around the students’ exhibition. Other students and staff of the school also had the chance to explore the exhibition and interact too.

Creating this exhibition encouraged the young people to learn more about their own heritage and history by exploring further into the subject. Students have also managed to learn how to design and curate their own exhibition, to make information engaging and informative for an audience.

There was a lot of positive feedback from the exhibition. They liked being able to interact with the history, and had good discussions around the information displayed. They all learnt a lot, not just about the history but about new organisational, creative and teamwork skills too!

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